Babel : or the Necessity of Violence. An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

Kuang, Rebecca F., 2022
AK-Bibliothek Feldkirch
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-0-00-850182-2
Verfasser Kuang, Rebecca F. Wikipedia
Systematik FS.E - Englische Schriften
Schlagworte Sprache, Oxford, Fantasy, US-amerikanische AutorInnen
Verlag Harper Voyager
Ort London
Jahr 2022
Umfang 546 S.
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache Englisch
Illustrationsang zahlreiche Illustrationen
Annotation Oxford, 1836. The city of dreaming spires. It is the centre of all knowledge and progress in the world. And at its centre is Babel, the Royal Institute of Translation. The tower from which all the power of the Empire flows. Orphaned in Canton and brought to England by a mysterious guardian, Babel seemed like paradise to Robin Swift. Until it became a prison...But can a student stand against an empire? (Verlagstext)