Crimson Phoenix : An Action-Packed & Thrilling Novel

Gilstrap, John, 2021
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Medienart eBooks
ISBN 9781496728562
Verfasser Gilstrap, John Wikipedia
Schlagworte Fiction, Thriller, Suspense
Verlag Kensington Books
Jahr 2021
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Annotation The nightmare scenario has come to pass. America has fallen. In the aftermath, one woman becomes the last hope of a nation and its people in New York Times bestselling author John Gilstrap's electrifying new Victoria Emerson thriller series. West Virginia Congresswoman Victoria Emerson has always put the needs of her community before the power games of Washington, D.C. Then an Army officer appears on her doorstep, deploying the code words "Crimson Phoenix"—meaning this is not a drill. The United States is on the brink of nuclear disaster. The major will escort her to a secure bunker. She cannot bring her family. A single mother, Victoria refuses to abandon her teenage sons. Denied entry to the bunker, the family somehow survives the unthinkable. In the aftermath, the nation is in chaos. The grid is gone. Food is scarce. Civility gives way to desperate survival. Against this total collapse, Victoria creates a new home in a small Appalachian mountain town. The community she builds around her shines like a beacon in a dark wasteland. Now she must defend it with her life—to give hope to a new America."A gripping page-turner."—Taylor Stevens, New York Times bestselling author of Liars' Legacy"An explosive story that locks you into your chair until the final page."—Jamie Freveletti, international bestselling author of Running from the Devil and Robert Ludlum's The Janus Reprisal"Snaps with action from the very first page. It's certain to hit the 10-ring with old and new readers alike." —Marc Cameron, New York Times bestselling author ofBone Rattleand Tom Clancy's Chain of Command